A gar brewing beer? No, it’s Garr brewing beer.
Since childhood Garr has possibly heard every variation of his name: ciGar, Garfinkle, Garfunkel, Gargle, banGarang, trafalGar, aGario etc… In fact he’ll honor his long standing challenge and buy you a beer if you can name a new version he hasn’t heard! His name has long connected him with the alligator gar and this extraordinary fish represents Garr’s Beer Co.
Since childhood Garr has possibly heard every variation of his name: ciGar, Garfinkle, Garfunkel, Gargle, banGarang, trafalGar, aGario etc… In fact he’ll honor his long standing challenge and buy you a beer if you can name a new version he hasn’t heard! His name has long connected him with the alligator gar and this extraordinary fish represents Garr’s Beer Co.
Garr has developed a reputation for creating unique and drinkable beers that pair well with food. In addition to standard ingredients, he’s brewed with honeybush, basil, rosemary, sweet potatoes, beets, lemon verbena, chamomile, orange zest, lime zest, coriander, and rooibos. He often partners with other makers to include their ingredients, and you'll likely find him at the Farmers Market on Saturdays conversing with local vendors.
Reinheitsgebot does not approve, but Garr loves twisting traditional styles with intriguing ingredients to create something special!